Vision, Mission & Values for Our Real Estate Business

So how do we go about building a Real Estate Rental Empire?

A REAL ESTATE RENTAL EMPIRE — wow! I must admit that I find these BIG words quite intimidating. The thought of all the things that have to be done and the capital needed to achieve this dream can be overwhelming.  So instead of focusing on the grand picture, let us take baby steps, shall we?

There are 3 areas of real estate that we can get into which I believe will help us achieve the big dream. So here are our immediate goals within 3-5 years:
– To build a real estate website & blog
– To acquire or manage at least 10 or more rental properties
– To start a simple rental brokerage or be part of a strong broker network.

For the website, I designed this simple logo for Invest A Place:


It was actually difficult to zero in on a name for this website blog because all other domain names have already been taken! Kudos to my husband Mark So for helping me come up with our website name.

While working on the business plan, I got to formulate the vision, mission & values that will serve as our guiding light as we grow our Real Estate Business. This is our Vision & Mission Statement:
To provide decent and professionally managed rental places around the Philippines that will uplift people’s lives.

We’ll be able to achieve this with these values in check:
RESPECT… this literally means respect for the business, our people, clients, partners, community and environment.  It is also an easy-to-remember acronym for:
R – Responsible (we are a responsible company looking for responsible clients)
E – Efficient (we have efficient systems to help us operate smoothly)
S – Simplified (we believe that simple is better for all work processes)
P – Professional (we do business in a professional way)
E – Enlightened (we only allow enlightened nature of business)
C – Clean ( we value cleanliness and neatness)
T – Timely (we respond on time but also expect promptness from clients)
These are the values we expect the company, its people and clients to have.

So let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work!

Do you think we can achieve these goals in 3-5 years? What advice can you give for start-ups like mine?  Let me know what you think by sharing your comments below.